Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Psychosis of Religion?

“Side by side with the decline of religious life, neuroses grow noticeably more frequent.”-C.J. Jung

There has also been a recognition by many analysts that mental health is connected to religious thought. Some have decided that religion must be eliminated completely from the context of the mentally ill for their mind’s sake. On the contrary. If religion plays a part in, say, a schizophrenic’s life, then the mentally ill person must be granted a context of healthy religion so that they can know the difference between their made-up religion and the real thing. If a religious mentally ill person is granted no religious context, they continue to affirm their own unhealthy religion, thus deepening their psychoses. But if they are corrected, gently, with the truth about God, then their whole life could be transformed by healthy beliefs and practices, still affirming their connection to the spirit world and God in a way that supports people around them.

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