Saturday, March 27, 2010

An Outline of Basic Ethical Principles

God knows how best to live, so we should listen to Him as to how He created the world to work.

1. Give Freedom
Every sentient adult is free to make their own choices, as long as they do not harm the community at large.

2. Be Responsible
“If you make a mess, clean it up”—We must correct any wrongs that we have done.
If you wrong another person, make it right in as much as you are able.

3. Community life
If you belong to a community—no matter how small or how large—abide by the rules of the community or find another community to live in.

4. Faithfulness
We must keep our promises or apologize for not doing so.
We must be loyal in a way that is appropriate in a relationship.

5. Do No Harm
Cause no damage to another unless it is for their benefit and/or with their stated permission.

6. Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do To You
Treat others as you would have them treat you, recognizing that everyone has different ways of receiving respect, help, etc.

7. Love Your Neighbor
Meet the needs of anyone you see who has needs, in as much as you are able.

8. Lay Down Your Life
Sacrifice your own needs for the sake of others’, especially for the weak who need protection.

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