Sunday, January 3, 2010

Why Are We Stuck Sinning?

Why are we in the predicament of doing evil?

1. The Fall
Whether literally or symbolically, individually or collectively, there has been a rejection of God’s leadership—both His structural leadership and His ethical leadership. God gave humanity sovereignty over themselves and creation and they chose to reject God’s direct rule and law and guidance.

2. Human Nature
Human nature was created to respond to difficulties, injustices, inadequacies and poverty. It also has specific drives and needs—physical, social, sexual, emotional, etc. It was not intended to be in a context without God’s rule and guidance and so missteps—mostly unintended—are made because of a wrong reaction to a context of lostness.

3. Judgment
Due to rebellion, humanity—both individually and collectively—are under the judgment of spiritual forces. Sometimes this judgment is due to specific sin, sometimes due to general rebellion. But disasters, attacks, diseases, etc, come because of general disobedience.

4. Ethical Lapses
Selfishness, narrow-mindedness and misunderstanding cause humanity to do evil or to refuse to do good, thus creating a cycle of evil.

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