Monday, December 21, 2009

Woman Caught In Adultery

The woman didn't deserve Jesus' lack of condemnation. He gave it and expected her to live well out of gratitude. Would that we would do the same.

The story of the woman caught in adultery isn't a part of any original text of any gospel. In the early texts sometimes it's in John, sometimes it's in Luke, sometimes it's just hanging out on it's own. Like us, the ancient scribes couldn't bear to have the future generations without this story. Is it based on fact? Who knows? But wouldn't it be just like Jesus to do this?

So sad, though, for those who base their identity of Jesus on this story. The Jesus who never condemned didn't exist.


  1. I'm missing something here. This is scripture. Why doubt that the event happened?

  2. Because it isn't a part of the original text. Bibles continue to add it, but it's not originally part of the book of John. The oldest texts of John don't have it at all.
    It's a great story, and possibly true, although we don't know, but we can definitively say that it doesn't belong to any of the books we have in the NT. So, I guess what I'm saying, it isn't actually a part of Scripture.

  3. The reasons for denying it's place in John is explained pretty well here:

  4. I don't recall hearing this in college, but maybe that's not surprising. Also, it's strange: the things, like this detail, that we take for granted. Someone said that learning is about un-learning.
