Sunday, December 20, 2009

Entering Jerusalem

It is clear that Jesus did enter into Jerusalem on a colt, to the acclaim of his disciples. Perhaps not all of his disciples understood the import of what he was doing, but the people of Jerusalem did, for they knew the prophecy of Zechariah—the one who enters Zion on a colt claims to be the king of Jerusalem. Those who say that the historical Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah must also make the untenable, unhistorical claim that he never entered into Jerusalem on a colt.

This proclamation of being the king of Jerusalem was very upsetting to the people of Jerusalem. This out-of-towner, this lower life from the sticks is claiming to be king? Sure, there’s miracles, but there’s more important things than that—what does He know about being king? Of course, what they had forgotten is that God’s kingdom isn’t a democracy. Nor is it run by the priests. God chooses whom He will. Like it or not.

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